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Nearing The End

Started by Bob Reed, November 09, 2013, 10:32:28 AM

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Bob Reed

Well like all good things, this too must end. Worldflight 2013 is wrapping up. We have had a very successful event this year!  With your help we have raised in execs of $2200.00 this yea all going to All Children's Hospital in St Petersburg Florida! Lets have one last big push and see if we can reach $2500.00! I think that would be a phenomenal amount for our first year!


Remeber on the form to select Gift Designation, click other and write in World Flight USA.

We thank you all for your support! Without you none of this would be possible!

Trevor Hale
Sam LLorca
Bob Reed


Quote from: Bob Reed on November 09, 2013, 10:32:28 AM

Remeber on the form to select Gift Designation, click other and write in World Flight USA.

Ok this is different than what was said before by you or Trev. I thought the international form was only for CB donations so I just selected "greatest need" as gift designation. I don't really care but it would have added to the total CB contributions.

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada

Trevor Hale

Bob will contact you to get this moved credit to us.

Thanks bud.

Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA



Quote from: Trevor Hale on November 09, 2013, 11:17:47 AM
Bob will contact you to get this moved credit to us.

Thanks bud.


Thanks. I PM'd the amount to Bob.

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


Well done, well done and WELL DONE!

Cheers everyone!
Eric Tomlin
Flight Line Simulations
www.FlightLineSimulations.com (new site)
Integral Lighted Panels, Products, Consultation, & Suppliers


Congratulations guys.....and Laura :)
This was an awesome undertaking with a phenomenal outcome!!!!
I am so proud and thankful to have had the chance to be a part of this.
My schedule only allowed for me to fly one leg but that will not be the case next year!
I will make sure to be there much longer next year and I encourage all of the other members here to consider making plans to take part in 2014 if it is at all possible, trust me you will not want to miss it once you have experienced it!!
Thank you Sam, Bob and Trevor for the incredible amount of effort you guys put into this, you guys are truly amazing! Thanks to all of the other pilots who took part and I had the good fortune to meet this year....what a great bunch of folks.
And thanks to all who have donated to this worthy cause.
Can't wait for next year!!!!!!!!!!

Sam Llorca

THANK YOU!!!!! Congratulations to all the participants in this WFT 2013, It is sad to wake up to an empty driveway and a dark warehouse, but like every event it has to end and we are proud to been able to see it finish with excellent results, the first day of the event I had my doubts of making it to the finish line, but as the days went on and the sim started to behave more reasonable my hopes got higher, after a few bugs work out she was flying like never before, everyone's faces where full of joy and excitement, We will like to thank again and again everyone involve in this event, family and friends, fellow pilots, sponsors, the Children Hospital and YOU, yes specially you for helping us get to the finish line, without your support  this wouldn't had been possible.  Thank you again for supporting us!!! Cheers.


I can only add to the kudos!  For a first time effort for the USA Team this event went off better than anyone could have ever expected. Many thanks to the three amigos - Sam, Bob, and Trev.  Truly great people - without their leadership it would never have happened.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and it was neat to meet fellow simmers in person whom I only knew previously as a log-in name in the forum.

Thanks also to my cockpit companions.  I learned much about procedural flying from them and have gained a confident experience with VATSIM. This experience was a "level change" for me that has taken me beyond flying by the seat of my pants!

I'll be there next year for sure!

Thanks again,
Fred K

Boeing 737NG-800, Prepar3D v5.4, ProSim avionics, Optoma HD Laser projectors (3), Fly Elise warping with curved screen, ActiveSky weather, FDS OH panels, SimParts MIP, FDS SysBoards (OH and MIP), CPFlight MCPPro, CDUs, and pedestal panels, FI Gauges, PFC controls, converted motorized TQ (SIOC), Weber seats with ButtKicker transducers. Official WorldFlight Team (www.worldflightvirginia.net)


We'll done Guys. It was great watching you through the good times and not so good ones : )

Great job by all involved.




Just wanted to add my big THANK YOU to Sam, Bob, and Trevor for putting this on.
I had a blast, and it was great meeting and chatting with everyone.

Chief Pilot
Worldflight Team USA


So, whats the total of funds raised ?

Trevor Hale

I am pretty sure Bob flies back tomorrow. They had to sort out a couple mis appropriated funds but hopefully that will be sorted out by tomorrow. As soon as bob sends me the final amount I will post it.

I couldn't have spent those days with better company. You guys all made my year. Thanks again to all involved and I hope I didn't embarrass anyone with my lack of 737 skills.

Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA



Quote from: FredK on November 10, 2013, 05:52:05 AM
I can only add to the kudos!  For a first time effort for the USA Team this event went off better than anyone could have ever expected. Many thanks to the three amigos - Sam, Bob, and Trev.  Truly great people - without their leadership it would never have happened.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and it was neat to meet fellow simmers in person whom I only knew previously as a log-in name in the forum.

Thanks also to my cockpit companions.  I learned much about procedural flying from them and have gained a confident experience with VATSIM. This experience was a "level change" for me that has taken me beyond flying by the seat of my pants!

I'll be there next year for sure!

Thanks again,
Fred K

Hi Fred

I thoroughly enjoyed flying with you and appreciated your nice comments. Crew flying is "where it's at" for me- that's my favorite part about having a full size sim. Looking forward to going back next year.
Eric Tomlin
Flight Line Simulations
www.FlightLineSimulations.com (new site)
Integral Lighted Panels, Products, Consultation, & Suppliers


Worldflight was a blast!  Who thought sitting in a cockpit for 4.5 hours could be so much fun!

Thanks to Sam, Trevor and Bob and of course all my Captains and F/O's for the great experience!!!

I was damn tired each day from work and the previous nights flights, but wouldn't have traded sleep for all the fun I had!

Will be back next year for sure!

Let me know where I can help in planning!
Less than 4 years to retirement......


Just slightly off topic but wondering what happens if you miss a leg or have to abort one in the middle of a flight for whatever reason. My understanding about VATSIM is that you would need to connect to the network at the next airport, but how do you know what parking location you should select when starting FSX so as not to pop up on top of another aircraft, especially during a World flight event where the airports can be quite crowded.

So, how do you join the network after a reboot or simply if you just want to do one flight anywhere? Can you just pick a gate location at random without worrying about who may be occupying that spot?

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


Quote from: Maurice on November 12, 2013, 11:16:25 AM
Just slightly off topic but wondering what happens if you miss a leg or have to abort one in the middle of a flight for whatever reason. My understanding about VATSIM is that you would need to connect to the network at the next airport, but how do you know what parking location you should select when starting FSX so as not to pop up on top of another aircraft, especially during a World flight event where the airports can be quite crowded.

So, how do you join the network after a reboot or simply if you just want to do one flight anywhere? Can you just pick a gate location at random without worrying about who may be occupying that spot?


Just pick a gate.  Many of the places we had 3 to 4 planes on top of us.  Don't really know until you back out.  Make sure collisions are off :)
Less than 4 years to retirement......


Quote from: jskibo on November 12, 2013, 11:50:08 AM

Just pick a gate.  Many of the places we had 3 to 4 planes on top of us.  Don't really know until you back out.  Make sure collisions are off :)

Ah so! I wonder how that looked to someone parked besides you. Would they have seen just a pile of unrecognizable metal or an airplane sandwich ?  ;D
I assume the Vatsim software does something better than that do did you ever see any such location conflicts from other aircrafts around you?

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


I used to check where aircraft we[size=78%]re parked by checking in at vatsim first then looking on my EFB to see which gates/stands where taken and the choose a free one![/size]

Worked for me.



Hi Maurice,

It is exactly as you described; airplane sandwich! If you log-in and you're at the same location as another aircraft, it'd be better to respawn (logout and login again). If you're using an EFB, VatMap or similar, you could see where others are and respawn on an unused gate/parking/ramp (Mark and I were typing at the same time, but ditto what he says) Still, like John Skibo says, make sure collisons with other aircraft is off.

Otherwise, VatSim does not fix the problem, and I'm sure you've seen the representation of the aircraft via the use of SquawkBox (SB)... You see generic aircraft with VIP on them or the glider. Although, you can go into SB and setup to see the correct liveries, but you must have an aircraft traffic add-on program, like Ultimate Traffic. I set mine up that way, but the only time I've seen it work right is at KORD, so I've done something wrong for sure. Yet, during WF2013, I now know that it can/does work; all the aircraft looked right as they should...

Finally, to add to this post, all the guys who flew during WF with Sam have earned the ultimate simulator pilot awards! You guys showed that flight sim pilots are just as committed as our real pilot brothers and sisters (even if some of you are real pilots  :idiot:).

Way to go Cockpitbuilders WF Team USA!

| FSX | FDS-MIP OVRHD SYS CARDS FC1| PM | PMDG 737-700 | UTX | GEX | UT7 | ASE | REX2 | AES | TSR | IS | TOPCAT | AvilaSoft EFB | OC CARDS & OVRHD GAUGES| SIMKITS | SW 3D Lights | FS2CREW2010 | FSXPassengers | Flight1 AE | MATROX TH2GO-D | NTHUSIM | 3-Mits EW230Ust Proj |

Trevor Hale

Thanks for the awesome comments guys.  You are all amazing people and really I think we are one big happy family here. I wish more of you could have attended but we made do with what we had.

Can't wait for next year.

Sorry for the server crash today I guess bob and I didnt know the hard drive space was getting low. But it's fixed now. Too bad real world jobs got in the way otherwise we would have fixed it sooner. Bobs on the job now.

***Maurice*** we joined at the gate many times and to be honest didn't know until we pushed back that their were other aircraft on top of us. You can tell when you push back cause you go through the planes but seen as the sim never sees the outside of the plane we wouldn't know otherwise lol.


Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA



Quote from: Trevor Hale on November 13, 2013, 02:02:38 PM

***Maurice*** we joined at the gate many times and to be honest didn't know until we pushed back that their were other aircraft on top of us. You can tell when you push back cause you go through the planes but seen as the sim never sees the outside of the plane we wouldn't know otherwise lol.


I understand why you cannot tell until you back up but what I am still wondering about is what other pilots see when a parking spot is occupied by several planes. John confirmed the airplane 'sandwich' scenario but can the sandwich be seen by those not part of the sandwich and what did that look like? In other words, does the sandwich end up looking like the last plane that occupied that spot or does it look like a real mess of airplane parts? :)

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


From the outside view; it all depends on if the planes are in the exact same orientation. It would basically look like the biggest plane, with the wings, tails, gear etc. from the other aircraft sticking out of it.


Chief Pilot
Worldflight Team USA

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