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Cockpitbuilders - Live Streams

Trevor love your videos

Started by 757Simulator, January 18, 2020, 12:47:37 AM

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Can you point me to a site, perhaps this one, where I can learn what equipment, etc. etc. I need to do what your doing? I too am wanting to stream but have zero knowledge on how to accomplish it. Thank you.

Thank you.



Not quite sure how to articulate your setup?  :o

Trevor Hale

LOL, Thank you for the kind words...I Love streaming and the people you meet.  I guess I am not 100% sure what your asking though. 

In order to stream you need to register for an account (I use Twitch) then at your side download a software called "OBS" or streamlabs OBS.

Configure your stream how you like and press the go live button.  Its as simple as that.


Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA



Hey Trevor,

Thanks for posting about Twitch and OBS. However, can you post what the hardware is you're using, as I think this might help Michael:

-webcam, models/types, how many?

-microphone, headset and/or audio mixer used (how are they connected/routed)?

-how are you getting the multiple simulator views (beyond the cam views that are on you) into the stream; what is the hardware needed or aspects of doing that?

-Is OBS handling the view changes that occur automatically, or are you doing that manually, if so what hardware to make the changes (mouse/keyboard & etc)?

-Is OBS on a separate stand alone computer, if so what type of hardware is being used (cpu, video card, ram & etc)?
-What hardware do you have for the DSL/Router on your side, and what is your upload/download (because the upload speed is the key) connection speed?

-If you're using a router and connecting all your computers to it, what speeds are you using for NIC cards 100 or 1000?

-Do you by chance have a connection diagram that would detail your entire layout from A to Z

| FSX | FDS-MIP OVRHD SYS CARDS FC1| PM | PMDG 737-700 | UTX | GEX | UT7 | ASE | REX2 | AES | TSR | IS | TOPCAT | AvilaSoft EFB | OC CARDS & OVRHD GAUGES| SIMKITS | SW 3D Lights | FS2CREW2010 | FSXPassengers | Flight1 AE | MATROX TH2GO-D | NTHUSIM | 3-Mits EW230Ust Proj |

Trevor Hale

LOL, Ok John.  Here goes.

#1. Webcams, I am running Logitec 310, Logitech 920, some Chinese Go-Pro Knockoff, and a Manual Focus 1080P cam.

#1b. One Microphone HyperX Fury Headset.

#2. I have 4 Flightsim Windows open on the computer, and each view can be called from the streaming software. (No hardware required, Just undocked windows.

#3. I have all the Scenes Built, and the view changes are done by my moderators ( Its a lot of work for a production) , so I have a crew.

#4. OBS is installed on the flightsim computer and is the only way to pickup the multiple views, this uses additional resources unfortunately.

#5.I have a download speed of 300MB and a 10MB Upload Speed.

#6.I am using a GB Network Card in a GB Switch directly connected to my Modem.

#7. Sorry No diagrams, everything is connected to the flightsim computer per standard ports.

#8.  I am running the sim on 3 separate computers and run multiple applications of my software from the other computers on the main computer.

There you have it,
Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA



Hey Trevor,

Thank you for providing this information, it will definitely help me and others pursue webcasting our simulator flights. Hopefully, this will help Michael get started as well...


PS I am very envious of your 300MB down and 10MB upload! I am still stuck in the stone age with 10MB down and 750kb upload (OMG, yes 750kb!).
| FSX | FDS-MIP OVRHD SYS CARDS FC1| PM | PMDG 737-700 | UTX | GEX | UT7 | ASE | REX2 | AES | TSR | IS | TOPCAT | AvilaSoft EFB | OC CARDS & OVRHD GAUGES| SIMKITS | SW 3D Lights | FS2CREW2010 | FSXPassengers | Flight1 AE | MATROX TH2GO-D | NTHUSIM | 3-Mits EW230Ust Proj |


Bluesky, and Trevor, thats exactly what I was after. Your expertise in the hardware side of setup.

Many thanks.


Wow Trevor that's quite a bit going on for your broadcasting. Very nicely done. But honestly, I just looking for perhaps (1) camera, looking aft to forward, that can capture our flight both video and audio.

Reason being, is that I have enough PC's doing various functions that I do not wish to add another to the mix. I realize this will "dillute" image quality but I'm more after folks tuning in to see the overall picture. I.E. Clearance or PDC from Vatsim, takeoff, cruise, and landing.



Quote from: 757Simulator on February 02, 2020, 12:26:05 AMWow Trevor that's quite a bit going on for your broadcasting. Very nicely done. But honestly, I just looking for perhaps (1) camera, looking aft to forward, that can capture our flight both video and audio.

Reason being, is that I have enough PC's doing various functions that I do not wish to add another to the mix. I realize this will "dillute" image quality but I'm more after folks tuning in to see the overall picture. I.E. Clearance or PDC from Vatsim, takeoff, cruise, and landing.

Hi Michael,

Okay, what you're saying is you want to live "real-time" stream your simulator flights correct? If so, take a look at those questions I asked Trevor and answer as many as you can (based on what hardware you have now).

Next, exactly what is your overall picture? Do you mean the audience only sees the actual in-game sim flight like anyone would see on their own screen. Or, do you mean a camera inside your home built cockpit that shows it and you flying?

If it's just the sim screens then that is easily done with gameplay software or OBS, but your sim computer will slow down while flying (unless you use separate PC). Otherwise, if you're just after putting a camera in your cockpit, you can do that with a streaming camera. A new GoPro 8 Camera is fine, just set it up too stream to your WiFi to allow the video to go out to the streaming platform. Here look at this:


If you go with other USB type wifi/streaming cameras you will need a PC, and why do that when GoPro can do it without the PC. Also, if you can afford not going through your sim computer for any reason it would be better. Besides, the GoPro will give you the best all around view (in degrees) in the cockpit.

Now, if you wanted to show the actual sim flight, there might be a way to use a GoPro by just pointing it at the screen/monitor, but it's timing has to match the screen/monitor timing or you'll get a flicker line or other image issues. Just try it and see, you never know, it might work and if not you could set a custom screen timing in the monitor settings. So, get 2 GoPros; one for inside and one to point at the screen, then stream both cameras via WiFi (you would have to check the streaming platform, like Twitch, too make sure it can do 2 cameras at once though, without OBS or a video mixer.

Lastly, the majority of the setup will be dictated by your internet speed, specifically, the upload speed. If it's low for you don't expect good results. I would look into that first, as well as your router if it's separate from your DSL box or not. Either way learn everything you can about the router settings because getting those right is very important...

Best Regards,

| FSX | FDS-MIP OVRHD SYS CARDS FC1| PM | PMDG 737-700 | UTX | GEX | UT7 | ASE | REX2 | AES | TSR | IS | TOPCAT | AvilaSoft EFB | OC CARDS & OVRHD GAUGES| SIMKITS | SW 3D Lights | FS2CREW2010 | FSXPassengers | Flight1 AE | MATROX TH2GO-D | NTHUSIM | 3-Mits EW230Ust Proj |


Note: for those following along and you're thinking about doing streaming media, but your DSL speed is low on the upload side. Or, you like flying online and streaming together, you could go with two DSL connections and use a Load Balancing Router to help speed thinks up. Of course this requires two separate DSL lines (double costs) and the router; however, if you're determined and have the funds, it's only a minor aspect...

| FSX | FDS-MIP OVRHD SYS CARDS FC1| PM | PMDG 737-700 | UTX | GEX | UT7 | ASE | REX2 | AES | TSR | IS | TOPCAT | AvilaSoft EFB | OC CARDS & OVRHD GAUGES| SIMKITS | SW 3D Lights | FS2CREW2010 | FSXPassengers | Flight1 AE | MATROX TH2GO-D | NTHUSIM | 3-Mits EW230Ust Proj |


>>>Otherwise, if you're just after putting a camera in your cockpit, you can do that with a streaming camera. A new GoPro 8 Camera is fine, just set it up too stream to your WiFi to allow the video to go out to the streaming platform. Here look at this:<<<

John, EXACTLY. That is what I was after. Thank you kindly so much.

Mike (PS: Thanks again. Great info.)


Awesome Mike, glad to be of help. If you do get a GoPro8, please tell us all about it and post some videos...

| FSX | FDS-MIP OVRHD SYS CARDS FC1| PM | PMDG 737-700 | UTX | GEX | UT7 | ASE | REX2 | AES | TSR | IS | TOPCAT | AvilaSoft EFB | OC CARDS & OVRHD GAUGES| SIMKITS | SW 3D Lights | FS2CREW2010 | FSXPassengers | Flight1 AE | MATROX TH2GO-D | NTHUSIM | 3-Mits EW230Ust Proj |


Quote from: blueskydriver on February 06, 2020, 10:25:44 AMAwesome Mike, glad to be of help. If you do get a GoPro8, please tell us all about it and post some videos...


Will do!!


John, a few months ago I bought a new router which does both 2.4 & 5g. Is this what your referring to or is it the speed the service provides?

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