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MSFS202: Removing the Cockpit Panel?

Started by RayS, September 04, 2020, 07:48:53 PM

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Trevor has done it, but I can't find the files, or even how to do it. Anyone have any tips?
Ray Sotkiewicz

Trevor Hale

Ray, I also go to the panel.cfg file and basically remove everything in there so it doesn't chew up frame rates displaying data nobody ever sees.

Backup the file before you edit it though.

Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA



Ray Sotkiewicz


*Irony mode*

The config and tweaking has begun. Looks like FSX all over again! :)


Hi Guys...   It looks like some good progress on FS2020.  It always takes time to explore new applications.  FS2020 will be no different. 

Hats off to Trevor for the excellent Twitch session!!!  Trevor...  You are a gifted communicator (colorful language aside :-) ).  I have watched that session several times, and learned a lot from the detailed explanation of the settings for your King Air simulator.  Nice landing by the way!  It was very interesting to see how FSUIPC7 allowed for Sim hardware to interface to FS2020.

I spoke briefly with Chris at Pixelwix concerning FS2020 and their warping/blending software.   They are in the process of finalizing the interface, which will be somewhat similar to what they do with P3D.   I plan on building a separate 12' diameter screen to use for testing of the FS2020 with Pixelwix to map a 120 degree wrap-around display.  I plan to use the soon to be released EVGA RTX-3080Ti running three projectors at 4K resolution.  Chris expressed confidence that the RTX-3080Ti will have enough GPU power to do the job.  That card also has some unique on-board cooling features.

The new Optoma ZH406ST laser projectors I have are capable of 4K input.  The ZH406ST projectors are capable of downscaling the 4K data down to 1080P.  Since the warping software eliminates around 30% of the pixels to achieve the warping, the 4K resolution from the GPU will allow for an overall improved output from the projectors in 1080P after the warping and blending is completed.  The laser projectors also have very stable color/brightness characteristics from projector to projector, so I am expecting improved blending results.

I hope to begin testing this with my current i7 Sim computer using FS2020/FSUIPC7 sometime in October.  Right now, I have FS2020 up and running on a low end PC with a low end GigaByte RTX GPU, and it is running well.

My plan is to build a temporary 12' diameter screen beside the current Sim/Motion Platform setup.  This open setup will make calibration/testing of the warping software a lot easier, compared to trying to do this with the current flight deck/motion platform, where it is difficult to perform calibration of the screen.

That said,  I have to be a bit careful not to get too bogged down with FS2020 at this point in time.  I am still working on finishing up my Sim.  I am getting close to completing the Yokes/Control Columns, and will finish up with the AFT section of the flight deck.

Anyway...   FS2020 shows interesting promise for our full-scale Sims using FSUIPC.  I truly appreciate the efforts being made by many on this Forum to experiment with FS2020, and share that information.  Much appreciated!

Trevor...   Can you make another Twitch session to update your progress?  Your King Air Sim is an inspiration!

Full-scale 737-800 Sim; P3d v5.3x with Sim-Avionics (two computers), FDS MIP,  FlightIllusion hardware.  3-Optoma ZH406ST Laser HD projectors, with 4K inputs from a single Nvidia RTX-4090 GPU (new), resulting in a 210 deg wrap-around display.  6dof Motion Platform using BFF 6dof motion software, driven by a Thanos Servo Controller to 6.2 KW Servos, Lever type actuators.

Trevor Hale

Hi Mike.

Sorry for my colorful metaphors. I know some people take offense and my apologies.. but I am me, and Honestly am the nicest guy most people will ever meet.  I try not to "be someone else" except myself, and I do understand if some times what I say is inappropriate for all audiences, I am a miner by trade, and sometimes that stuff slips out without me even knowing it.

As for your request,  The last 2 streams have been completely on MSFS2020.  Only Major issue I have found..  (Aside from an updated FSUIPC7) to stop it from crashing.  I can't start the engines without using CTRL + E.

Most other things seem to be working well.

Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA



Hey Trevor,

Thanks for the reply.  Concerning the modifications to the Aircraft config file...

It seems that you were able to eliminate the Instrument Panel by changing the values of the InitialXyz values in order to move the Pilot's eye point forward of the aircraft.   Is that correct?   Do ALL the InitialXyz settings need to be changed, or is it just the Pilot, or some other combination that needs this attention?

Is there another way to accomplish this so that the Instrument Panel is removed without moving the Pilot's eye point?

As a side note, how long have you been building your King Air Sim?  From scratch, or a partial cockpit...?

Also...  Does MSFS 2020 take advantage of multiple Cores?

Full-scale 737-800 Sim; P3d v5.3x with Sim-Avionics (two computers), FDS MIP,  FlightIllusion hardware.  3-Optoma ZH406ST Laser HD projectors, with 4K inputs from a single Nvidia RTX-4090 GPU (new), resulting in a 210 deg wrap-around display.  6dof Motion Platform using BFF 6dof motion software, driven by a Thanos Servo Controller to 6.2 KW Servos, Lever type actuators.

Trevor Hale

Hi Mike,

Easy Answers First.

Yes 2020 Takes advantage of multiple cores, and I recommend Enabling Hyper Threading.

I acquired the airframe in 2010, and didn't start really working on it until about 2014.  Last year I did a complete tear down and rebuild within about 1 month running 9000 feet of single strand copper wire to the new interfaces (Arduino Mega 2560's)

Even if you removed all of the cockpit instruments the "Virtual Cockpit" Flight model will still exist. This is why I move the eyepoint just sightly outside the windscreen.  With that all being said, there is a way to completely remove the entire aircraft alltogether which would be a perfect solution as long as you don't ever intend to go to an outside view or you will literally see nothing.

Also most guys forget to edit the "Head movement" Section and they still get the weaving and bobbing "camera shake" I turn all this off.

You only need to edit the first one. (or should I say the first default internal view).    Where most guys mess up is they edit it and don't completely exit the sim and reload it and then test. 


Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA




Be sure to peruse the MSFS forum on AVSIM. There are threads about instrument panel removal and numerous hardware related observations there. Also...a treasure trove of MSFS users experiences...the good (mostly) and the bad.

Fred K
Boeing 737NG-800, Prepar3D v4.5, Sim-Avionics 1.964, SimSync multi-channel (curved screen), Optoma 1080GTDarbee projectors (3), Fly Elise warping, FSGRW weather, FDS OH panels and CDUs, SimParts MIP, FDS SysBoards (OH), CPFlight MCPPro and pedestal panels, FI Gauges, PFC controls, converted motorized TQ (SIOC), Weber seats


About removing the Cockpit View:

Trevor has a great tutorial about placing the camera view slightly outside and forward, which effectively removes the MIP view.

The only remaining issue is that while it correctly places the runway centerline in front of the pilot, there still remains the issue of "crabbing".

In X-Plane we have a handy configuration value called "Lateral offset" which does nothing more than shift the entire display left or right by X degrees.

In 2020, changing the camera viewpoint will correctly place the runway centerline (nearest the aircraft) properly in front of the pilot.

However, the runway centerline at the horizon is still offset, making taxiing and landing difficult.

There is one more setting which corrects this:

In the CAMERAS.CFG file, I modified not only the InitialXyz values but also the InitialPbh Values....

These values properly align the centerline on the pilot's side, and removes any residual crabbing effect (These work for the KingAir 350, not sure about other models but they should get you in the ballpark)

In Cameras.cfg under [CAMERADEFINITION.0], make the following changes:

InitialXyz = 2.01, -0.235, 3.405
InitialPbh = 1, 0, 10

These values work perfectly for the KingAir 350. Your mileage may vary.

Here's what the settings do:

InitialXyz shifts the pilot's "eye" over to the copilot side, having the effect of moving the centerline closer to the pilot's view.

Of course this doesn't change the centerline at the horizon, which also needs to be moved over, which is why we also change:

Old Value: InitialPbh 1,0,0

New Value: InitialPbh 1,0,10

...which rotates the pilot's 'head' 10 degrees to the right, which then aligns the runway centerline at the horizon in line with the runway centerline at the aircraft.

Been flying with these settings tonight and they are just like the X-Plane Lateral Offset function.

(Oh.... and overclock your GPU! I get 60FPS in Seattle. Even X-Plane will only give me 30FPS in Seattle)

Also: Make a BACKUP of Cameras.cfg,!! The last update from Microsoft over-wrote the modified file so you'll definitely want a backup.
Ray Sotkiewicz


Nice comments Ray on modifying the eyepoint in FS2020.  It would have been great if MicroSoft simply made removing the instrument panel a selection function.  I think it is important to keep the eyepoint within the cockpit.   Perhaps they will in the future.

In the case of PixelWix (FlyElise), you can set the eyepoint left/right, fore/aft.   However, this will not remove the instrument panel.

PixelWix is finishing up their modifications to their software for compatibility with FS2020.  It will behave much like it did with P3D, whereby you make changes to the Flight File to accomplish the Camera positions, etc.

The biggest problem for me right now is that Sim-Avionics does not have a 737 aircraft file that is recognized by FS2020.  I'm not sure when they plan on making Sim-Avionics compatible with FS2020.  Therefore, for my 737-800 Sim Project, P3D with Sim-Avionics is what works, and it works well.

So...  I was curious as to how FS2020 would look on my Curved Projector Screen.  I used NVIDIA to create a single monitor with a resolution of 5760 x 1080 using the Surround function.  FS2020 recognizes this monitor, and it displayed on the screen, but without warp/blend. 

As many of you know, without warping, the displayed images in the native resolution from the projectors show the image, but it has a curved appearance as displayed on the screen.   This of course is corrected by the warping software.  In any case, I was interested in seeing the "quality" of the projected image from FS2020 on the screen.

My Optoma GT1080HD projectors have a resolution of 1920 x 1080.  The test I did was to show the quality of the projected image WITHOUT being processed by the warping software.  I compared the startup image in FS2020 with the displayed image I get with P3D.  The image quality was basically the same when I had an HD airport setup in P3D.

It should be noted that the warping process eliminates about 25% of the pixels.  Thus, the display is quite a bit less than 1920 x 1080, hence the warped/blended projected final image quality is reduced.

Clearly, FS2020 has the advantage over P3D when it comes to global scenery in general.  It looks awesome!   However, many of the airports are not that accurate.  Yes, the buildings are there, but they don't show what the real airport is like.  This of course, is solved by adding HD airports to FS2020, which is being done by ORBX, FlightBeam, etc.  So in that regard, P3D will look much like FS2020 using the same HD airport.  But as soon as you leave the airport environment, P3D is less attractive compared to the seamless scenery offered by FS2020.

Right now, it is a mute point with my full-scale Sim, UNTIL Sim-Avionics becomes compatible with FS2020.  For now, I am happy to stay with P3D for my 737-800 Sim.  I also have the issue of compatibility of my BFF 6dof Motion Software with FS2020 -- something I am investigating.

Full-scale 737-800 Sim; P3d v5.3x with Sim-Avionics (two computers), FDS MIP,  FlightIllusion hardware.  3-Optoma ZH406ST Laser HD projectors, with 4K inputs from a single Nvidia RTX-4090 GPU (new), resulting in a 210 deg wrap-around display.  6dof Motion Platform using BFF 6dof motion software, driven by a Thanos Servo Controller to 6.2 KW Servos, Lever type actuators.


Read you loud and clear Mike.
I would'nt even try it now as I also enjoy a very stable setup and P3D scenery is good enough for my type of flying.
No rush, obviously FS2020 is  not a finished product and access to its fullest potential is
only available on line. Which I do not like.


Trevor Hale

BIG BIG BIG NEWS here folks.

FsInterrogate works with MSFS 2020.  This makes things Much easier when working on Lua Programming.  And to think Interrogate wouldn't work with P3D V5.  Just Crashed it.

Get it HERE
Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA


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