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Project Magenta Reinstall

Started by ScottThePilot, October 13, 2024, 09:41:10 AM

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So having some drawing issues where I have different pink lines drawn for route on my GC Nav Display.  Admittedly, I am using old versions of software but not been able to correct issues by dropping in an updated .exe in directory.  Will do a separate post on what is going on.

For now, I wanted to understand if possible to do a reinstall from scratch and then just edit the .ini files to match what we have now.  I need the reinstall not to mess with the current directories on the machine that has the GC mostly working (except for ND's).  I have all 4 displays hooked up (Capt & F/O PFD/ND, Upper & Lower EICAS).  I just want to see if a fresh install with current version will clear the issue.  I have updated Navigraph data installed.

So as to not chase too many changes, is it OK to just reinstall to current copies maybe F/O PFD/ND GC to see if things look better?  Or would I need to update all 4 directories (all displays).

Pilot for 40+ years --- Software Coder for 40+ years -- Simmer For A Day!
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Trevor Hale

Hi Scott,

Been a long time since I saw that,  If I was to guess, and I am probably going to guess wrong this is an issue with the shared network directory (FMC) and GC

Its been a long time since I looked at it and there is a reason why my PM machines run windows 7.

I think this is a windows sharing issue with the network directory.  I recall a post somewhere on the PM website talking about it. 


PAGE 9-11

Try the pmfilecheck tool also..


Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA



Hi Trevor,

Nice to see you still around.  I will give the pmFileCheck tool a go next time I am in.  Had forgotten about it.  Interesting after reading the MagentaDoc that I am NOT getting any errors on either FMC.  They both talk to each other and see fuel, V-Speed, flaps and airport OK.  No "network error" or "fail" messages on FMC's.

Somewhere before my time on this sim, someone started putting the NAV update stuff not just in NetDir but actually inside each install on the GC. Both Capt & F/O directories.  When I update the nav data, I do the same because didn't know any better.

So not real sure why I get these weird magenta lines that run off into infinity and then return back to my next WP.  Again still using old versions so will go grab current versions depending on what I see with pmFileCheck.  I don't want to go changing too much at once.

I am still on Win7 because the cockpit hardware is so old now.

Any coaching on installing fresh P3D into another directory so as to not screw up the current install?  Any directories I need to watch out for? 

Do I need to reinstall FSUIPC on new install or can I just move the current install into the new "modules" directory and it will fire up normally?

Thank you as always and hope all is well...
Pilot for 40+ years --- Software Coder for 40+ years -- Simmer For A Day!
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So not real sure why I get these weird magenta lines that run off into infinity and then return back to my next WP.

Hi Scott
Runs to infinity and back because in the Sim database the previous WP you have entered is located elsewhere on the planet far away and not where it should be.
Enter that WP in the NAV DATA page and check the coordinates, you will see that it is way out of your route.
So, either you simply suppress it or you create it in the route legs with the correct coordinates (see Map) under the format N...W... and it will show on the ND as Wpt1.


Trevor Hale

FSUIPC will just go in the new directory modules folder and it will just work. 

In MSFS things are way different LOL.

I update the navdata on all my GC machines, as well as the FMC.  So you are doing the right thing there.

I hope you can get this solved.

Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA



Thanks Trevor on the FSUIPC question and GC upgrades.

And then another country heard from: JackPilot

Nice to hear from you also.  So when I am in the cockpit again I will find a couple routes that do this drawing to infinity and back.  I check these routes in my ForeFlight and they all are in the correct location.  I add them into the "Legs" page of the FMC and the white lines draw correctly.  I then "Execute" and magenta lines either disappear or draw funny.  Yet I know the WP's are correct.  I will flip on the "data" on the ND and see what those show.

I've never enter a WP in the Nav Data page.  I always just use the Legs page once I know that the WP are valid using my live ForeFlight.

Will get back to you with concrete example and what happens.  I will search out some of these and try to see distances and see what I can.

Pilot for 40+ years --- Software Coder for 40+ years -- Simmer For A Day!
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Quote from: ScottThePilot on October 19, 2024, 11:41:20 PMI've never enter a WP in the Nav Data page.  I always just use the Legs page ....

That page is for reference only (checking frequency and or coordinates) not for entering route data.


Trevor Hale

Quote from: ScottThePilot on October 19, 2024, 11:41:20 PMThanks Trevor on the FSUIPC question and GC upgrades.

And then another country heard from: JackPilot

Nice to hear from you also.  So when I am in the cockpit again I will find a couple routes that do this drawing to infinity and back.  I check these routes in my ForeFlight and they all are in the correct location.  I add them into the "Legs" page of the FMC and the white lines draw correctly.  I then "Execute" and magenta lines either disappear or draw funny.  Yet I know the WP's are correct.  I will flip on the "data" on the ND and see what those show.

I've never enter a WP in the Nav Data page.  I always just use the Legs page once I know that the WP are valid using my live ForeFlight.

Will get back to you with concrete example and what happens.  I will search out some of these and try to see distances and see what I can.

I would use the RTE (Route Page for the Flightplan)  Not the Legs page..  Airway on the left and Waypoints on the right.

Try re-entering your flight plan through the RTE Page next time and let me know if it does the same.

Departure Airport, Arrival Airport (Enter Depart/Arrivals for each) Then go into the RTE page (Next Page takes you down, and enter the route..

Try this process instead of through the legs page.  I think you will have more success.

Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA


Trevor Hale

Quote from: jackpilot on October 20, 2024, 09:58:44 AM
Quote from: ScottThePilot on October 19, 2024, 11:41:20 PMI've never enter a WP in the Nav Data page.  I always just use the Legs page ....

That page is for reference only (checking frequency and or coordinates) not for entering route data.
I do use Route Data for winds at specific Waypoints as well.
Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA




This is the Bible !
Try to find one (expensive because it is not published anymore)




Hi Guys,

Yes Jack, I realize the Nav Data page is not part of the route data and only reference.  After re-reading my post I mis-spoke.  Thanks.

I believe we do actually have that FMC "bible" so will take a looks at it.

Trevor, will use the RTE page to enter the WP's and see how it draws and behaves.  Since a lot of what I'm flying are just my own local routes, there are not really any airways for the most part.

A lot of the routes I do are "scenery interesting" so that turns and decent have something nice to look at (New York, LA, Las Vegas, Hoover Dam etc.).

So using the RTE page do you put something like DIRECT on the left with WP on the right?  I always start with the Orig & Dest airports and runways before heading to the legs page.

Anyway, Will let you know how it goes.  Funny that it used to work just fine and then after an update years ago, it just started drawing these lines out and back.

Pilot for 40+ years --- Software Coder for 40+ years -- Simmer For A Day!
Hummm.  Which do I love more...


So I did use the RTE page to build a route and it did work better.  Some routes I built were perfect.  But not all and have some pictures I will post once I organize.

A couple routes that were mis-drawing did indeed have some fantastic mileage between waypoints (like 5099+ miles) so that makes sense.  Interestingly, I use the correct waypoint one of which is PRADO (33°55'23.4"N  117°47'1.7"W) in SoCal.  However there is also a PRADO (40°8'51.0"N  002°0'37.2"W) over in Spain.  So when I use PRADO, I end up getting the one far away instead of SoCal and not sure why as there is no choice to make when typing it in.

When adding the POM VOR in SoCal (N34... W117...) I end up getting POM POM LI (N40... E014...) on the other side of the world.  Now one adding the POM VOR, it does list two choices and I always select the top one (should be closest) and it is always the VOR.  Can someone enter these two waypoints from some SoCal location and see if you get the close PRADO intersection and POM VOR or do you get the ones around the world?

Attaching PDF with some views of both noting the mileage.

Pilot for 40+ years --- Software Coder for 40+ years -- Simmer For A Day!
Hummm.  Which do I love more...


Try creating a waypoint with the right coordinates that you will enter in the appropriate sequence of the route page.
Ex:PRADO (33°55'23.4"N  117°47'1.7"W) in SoCal.
Type in the scratch pad  N335523.4W117471.7 enter it (right LSK )in the route proper sequence. It should appear as wpt01.



Will give that a try Jack this weekend.  I assume that should work correctly.  So more the question if ATC gives me direct PRADO in the airplane, why does the one is Spain get loaded?

Same question on the POM VOR versus the other one.  And I know when selecting POM it gives me 2 choices and I always select the first one with the 110.4 frequency next to it.

Perhaps because the version I am running is older and updated .exe would maybe work better.  Anyway, will give it a try.

Pilot for 40+ years --- Software Coder for 40+ years -- Simmer For A Day!
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Work for me when the WP is not in the database.
One thing also, the longitude (W/E) has to be 3 digits (for a 2 dig degree add a 0 in front.)



Ah right because has to match the digits requested in format on the FMC.

So quick observation: Since the ND display DOES seem to draw correctly based on the mileage in the FMC, do you think maybe updating the FMC software would potentially make it choose correctly which would then draw correctly?

I have been focused on the GC ND software not working correctly but maybe it is working and the FMC software is the one working in error. I have not gone down that path yet.

Just thinking outlaid...
Pilot for 40+ years --- Software Coder for 40+ years -- Simmer For A Day!
Hummm.  Which do I love more...

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