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Live Video Streaming Help

Started by FredK, July 27, 2022, 09:57:29 AM

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Hi Guys

This year WorldFlight Virginia is planning to live stream. I could use some guidance on that. Trev and Ray have already provided me with some very valuable info and ideas, but I thought I would throw it out here to the larger group.

I plan to use a dedicated laptop computer with decent specs for the streaming via Twitch. I am particularly interested in knowing recommendations for cameras.

An outside view is a particular challenge for me because I am using WideView for my visuals. In that regard I have sliders dumbed down to minimums on my P3D server since I do not use that for a visual display. In other words, that view looks like crap, and I really do not want to move the sliders to normal range because that will affect server performance. I could pull a view from my center view WideView client, but the problem there is that image is warped to accommodate the curved projection screen. I may have to resort to a simple out-the-window camera view.

Again, all ideas are welcome here, but I am particularly interested in knowing camera recommendations.

Fred K
Boeing 737NG-800, Prepar3D v5.4, ProSim avionics, Optoma HD Laser projectors (3), Fly Elise warping with curved screen, ActiveSky weather, FDS OH panels, SimParts MIP, FDS SysBoards (OH and MIP), CPFlight MCPPro, CDUs, and pedestal panels, FI Gauges, PFC controls, converted motorized TQ (SIOC), Weber seats with ButtKicker transducers. Official WorldFlight Team (www.worldflightvirginia.net)


Hi Fred,

Good to hear that you are doing World Flight this year.  If the timing works out for me, I hope to be part of the WF Virginia Team.

I'm not sure how Twitch will work out integrated into your projection system.  As you pointed out, it could affect performance. 

However, for the "Outside View", I think a simple wide/Medium field of view video camera would be the best solution.  It should be easy to setup with Twitch and run well on a Laptop.

If it is helpful...   I would be willing to invest in a similar system as what you will have to interface with Twitch.  That way, we could compare setup and performance.  I am using Starlink now, so Internet bandwidth is not a problem.

Another idea would be to use a simple 4-camera DVR system. A Peer-to_Peer NVR setup would eliminate any Port Forwarding issues/complexities.  Just a thought...

Full-scale 737-800 Sim; P3d v5.3x with Sim-Avionics (two computers), FDS MIP,  FlightIllusion hardware.  3-Optoma ZH406ST Laser HD projectors, with 4K inputs from a single Nvidia RTX-4090 GPU (new), resulting in a 210 deg wrap-around display.  6dof Motion Platform using BFF 6dof motion software, driven by a Thanos Servo Controller to 6.2 KW Servos, Lever type actuators.


Regarding cameras:

I use a mix. My main cockpit cam is a GoPro Hero 10. For low-light it is the best of the bunch.

The GoPro is connected to the computer using an ElGato HDMI capture card (Won't work for a laptop though...):
ElGato HDMI Capture card

One of these will work just as well, especially for your laptop:
Elgato Camlink 4K

I also use a Logitech 930 webcam for my "Pilot View", with the internal IR filter removed. This is great for low-light situations, and you can illuminate the pit with Infrared LEDs, preventing that light from getting into any other camera.

I would not recommend removing the IR filter if you haven't done it before. It's tricky, and sometimes it can render the camera inop.

I have a few spare Logitech webcams with the IR filter removed. I can send you one if you want.

As Trevor said, streaming can be incredibly complex. I have a full-height server rack and nearly half of it is full of audio gear alone. (Audio Compressor, equalizer, 2 mixers and a 5000-watt amp.)

Streaming can be as simple, or as complex as you want. Either way you will be able to put together a quality stream.

I'm here to help if you need it!

Ray Sotkiewicz


I also recommend adding a camera polarizer filter on your cameras. I learned this trick while working on Sam's stream. a Polarizer prevents your displays from washing out, especially the MIP PFDs and NDs. The stock polarizers that you can get for the GoPro won't work because you need to be able to rotate them for the perfect balance.

I have a few that I just superglue to the webcam. For the GoPro there are dedicated filters that you can rotate. Amazon should have them.

Sanmark Polarizer
Ray Sotkiewicz


Hi All

Status report on this:

We have our live video streaming set up through Twitch, and that part is working well. Logitech Brio webcams give a nice result including capturing the outside view directly with one of the webcams.

However, the problem is that we want to channel the ATC communication through the cockpit speakers as well as the headsets so both sides of the ATC communication can be picked up on the stream. Can't figure that one out. We investigated using VoiceMeeter as a virtual mixer, but no joy there.

I know it is doable, but how exactly is that accomplished??

I suppose we could just pursue a hardware approach by splitting the headset audio output to dedicated speakers with separate volume control.

Fred K
Boeing 737NG-800, Prepar3D v5.4, ProSim avionics, Optoma HD Laser projectors (3), Fly Elise warping with curved screen, ActiveSky weather, FDS OH panels, SimParts MIP, FDS SysBoards (OH and MIP), CPFlight MCPPro, CDUs, and pedestal panels, FI Gauges, PFC controls, converted motorized TQ (SIOC), Weber seats with ButtKicker transducers. Official WorldFlight Team (www.worldflightvirginia.net)

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