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OVHD Position/Angle from Actual 737 Shell?

Started by MCA737, April 19, 2023, 09:01:24 AM

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Hi everyone! This is my first post here - such a great site! I'm in the design phase for building a 737-MAX cockpit and trying to make it as realistic as possible so that I can use some OEM parts down the road. I know it's probably silly to argue over fractions of an inch, etc., but I'm trying to get as close as possible while in the design phase of this :).

I know that many use the dimensions from markuspilot, and those do seem pretty close. However, I happen to have a full set of actual 737-NG maintenance docs and there are a few differences. This is the current issue I'm trying to resolve:

In the markuspilot doc, it shows the FWD Ovhd angle to be approximately 25-degrees, and the AFT Ovhd to angle to be about 17.5-degrees. He shows the vertical height of the Fwd part of FWD OVHD to be 1280mm, the Aft part of FWD OVHD to be around 1585-1590mm, and Aft part of AFT OVHD to be 1690mm.

I see that a few on this site have an actual 737 shell - is it possible to verify if the info on that doc is correct?

I'm asking because in the maintenance docs, it shows the Fwd STA of the FWD OVHD to be 214.6, and the Aft STA of it to be 239.25. The aft STA of the AFT OVHD is shown to be 253.04.

If the Fwd OVHD is 28 inches long, those station positions would mean that it has an angle of 28.31-degrees. Allowing for a small gap between panels, if the Aft OVHD is a little less than 14 inches long, the angle would be about 15-degrees (or a little less).

The closest references for vertical measurements (in the WDM docs), are the compass light switch at WL 255 (47.46" from floor), and the white dome light at WL 272 (64.46" from floor).

Anyway, if anyone is able to measure on an actual shell, that would be awesome :). Those maintenance docs are great for lateral dimensions, but at times it's not very clear exactly which part of the drawing the Station reference is pointing to. As for vertical measurements, there are very few of those (most relevant ones for the flight deck are contained in the Wiring Diagram docs, and those vertical positions are for the wiring - not necessarily the actual part).

I know it's probably insane to try and be so accurate - when I start building all this will probably go out the window. But it would be nice to at least start as accurate as possible.

I appreciate any info y'all could provide on these Ovhd dimensions! Thanks!

- Mark

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