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MSFS 2024 - First Impressions

Started by N4208T, December 10, 2024, 06:11:40 AM

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Hey everybody.  Surprised (a bit) that there has been no discussion of MSFS2024 here.  Maybe not so surprising since home cockpits and builders are not a priority at Microsoft.

After promising myself to wait a few months I caved and got FS2024 and installed it.  Install was fine and went easy and I have it on the same drive as fs2020.  I still have a full size twin engine turboprop simulator but I switched to VR completely a few years ago using a combo of flight sim hardware and an HP Reverb Gen 2.

First impressions:  not surprisingly I would consider this a late beta and a lot of stuff still does not work though I am sure that will self-correct over time.  Graphics are beautiful and very smooth in VR with the Reverb (using Mixed Reality and OPENXR toolkit) on an i9-10850k; 64 GB ram and an RTX3080.

Flight characteristics (so far) seem similar to FS2020.  I have not seen any major differences yet.  Also have not yet checked out my add-ons from FS2020.

ATC is terrible.  Sound is horrible, IFR flight plans not really working and controller in my latest flight in a Pilatus PC-12 kept looping and switching me between 2200 and 3500 feet in icing conditions....repeatedly all the way to the airport destination.

Anyone else have experience yet?  Thoughts?  I am not sorry I got it though I am disappointed though not surprised that it is not quite ready for prime time.

I am expecting to probably having to replace the Reverb within the next 12 months or so but, so far, it is working fine with the new sim.



Hi Steve
Of course grass blades moving in the wind are not top priority for c. builders.
MSFS goals are different.
Thank you for your input.


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