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Started by dharrison, August 30, 2011, 11:35:21 AM

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OK, So it's not much progress yet but I have to keep telling myself this is a weekend project . . .

I whipped up a small website to document the sim and blog my progress at www.mycessnasim.info. I've actually made a lot more progress than what's pictured on the site, but don't have any pics of the most recent work. But I'm hoping to update the pics later this week.

Beyond what's shown on the site I have a back wall installed, the doors, hinges, and latches installed, seat rails and seats, rudder bars and pedals, and I recently acquired an upper engine cowl. The fuselage is now in my micro garage which is too much of a disaster area to take pics in so as soon as I can role it outside this week I'll get more pics and update the site.

Comments and feedback are always welcome. Several of you directly or indirectly have contributed to the progress I've made so far and to much of the planning for the future work. MANY THANKS!!!
PC: Intel Core i5 @ 2.8GHz, 6Gb Ram, Win 7 64Bit, ATI Radeon HD5450
SIM:FSX w/Aclrtn Pk, FSUIPC4, ASE sp3, Megascenery Earth & X


I troll the posts regularly and am amazed by the work of others and their knowledge.  I had to accept that I simply don't have the real estate in my home to build what I truly want and that day might still come.  But for now I have simply enlarged my rolling pedestal.  It was originally built for my GF modules but I have now branched out with custom switches using a BU0386X.  I plan on adding more.  For now I have made a larger area to support those switches I have now (part of the overhead panel).

    Simulation Platform: FSX
    Aircraft Type: iFly 737
    Software Used: FSUIPC
    Hardware Used: GF modules and custom switches (BU0386X)

You can accelerate out of any problem.

Trevor Hale

ohhh  wow, does that ever look slick.  Very nice indeed.  Excellent work!
Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA



I've been under the radar for a long time but after Bob Reed's enthusiastic report from the FDS Open House, I decided to come out of hiding.  :idiot:

So here's what I've been up to: Nearly finished my 777 but my father passed away 3 years ago and it took me a awhile to regain interest in the hobby. When I did, I sold off the 777. Got tired of constantly writing code and not flying.

Then I built this:

Link to this gallery: http://anthonyscott.zenfolio.com/f-16

But.. that was an ambitious project and I found myself writing more code and vacillating between different sim engines, complicating that whole code-writing dilemma... Eventually I would part it out and sell off the rest. (Although I still have the seat.. that thing was fun!)

Today I am building a nice little King Air B200 Hybrid. There's a lot of different panel styles out there and I wanted to somehow add the Cirrus SR-22 styling to the plane. What resulted were a few different mockups, changes to paint color and some other tweaks until I got it just right. It's still far from complete but I am building AND flying.

Link to this gallery: http://anthonyscott.zenfolio.com/b200

This sim uses the Ruscool interface which is working out nicely. I no longer use EPIC. It was good, but again.. coding... Even with the B200 you can see in the gallery I was venturing down that tired coding road until the CFO (Wife) gave the go-ahead to purchase the FlightIllusion engine gauges. (LOVE those!)

I'm Using FSX but may switch to X-Plane since there's now something that interfaces FSUIPC to X-Plane. The radios are real, with the guts replaced with GF-166 radios (The older ones with the dual concentric encoders. (Anyone have a spare GF166 they want to sell? I need one more...) This sim will use the Avidyne Entegra PFD and MFD standalone gauges from Ellie Systems (Coded by Don Lafontaine)

Thanks for looking! 

Ray Sotkiewicz

Bob Reed

Well well, Look who the cat drug in! lol  ;) :idiot: Nice to have you back!

Trevor Hale

Welcome Back Ray..  Good to see you here.  When you get a chance could you give me the dimensions of the FI gauges..  Mark tells me they won't fit in my real MIP, but I am going down the route of a new MIP Instead.  I am just curious what the size would be.

Thanks a bunch.

Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA



Hi Trevor,

I feel your pain as I "thought" I had milled the correct dimensions prior to the FI gauge arrival. I was so wrong. While I cannot really give you a proper dimension, if you DO decide to get them (Highly recommended) I'd wait until they arrive to see exactly how to mill the holes.

Ray Sotkiewicz


Hi Ray,

Welcome to the fray! So, your F16 is decomissioned, but you still have the seat right? If you haven't read already, my wife, Simlady is building an F16 and items from your seat or the entire thing would be a great interest to her. How about sending me a PM, if you want to sell it, as well as let me know if you have anything else in regards to hardware and software for the F16...

Also, I have been thinking of getting the radios from the ProSim parts that fsavaitor (Warren) got his from, so that means you and I could workout something with the two GoFlight GF166A units I have for the F16 seat or parts there of.

PM me,

| FSX | FDS-MIP OVRHD SYS CARDS FC1| PM | PMDG 737-700 | UTX | GEX | UT7 | ASE | REX2 | AES | TSR | IS | TOPCAT | AvilaSoft EFB | OC CARDS & OVRHD GAUGES| SIMKITS | SW 3D Lights | FS2CREW2010 | FSXPassengers | Flight1 AE | MATROX TH2GO-D | NTHUSIM | 3-Mits EW230Ust Proj |

Trevor Hale

Thanks Ray, He did mention to me that he has a pro-line of B200 engine gauges that don't have the digital readouts that will fit in the proper holes.  I will just have to have a look and see what I am going to do.  For now, I am going to use software engine instruments.

Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA


Nat Crea

Thanks to alot of poking from Maurice...I am flying again...for the third time  :o
Next... XP10 maybe... :huh:



•Simulation Platform:  FSX
•Aircraft Type:            737NG
•Software Used           Sim Avionics
•Hardware Used          FDS SYS, Phidgets, FDS FC1


OK Nat, how did you manage to hide the Airliners.net logo from your pictures? Or did those pics come from your visit to CAE?

In the very unlikely possibility that these pics are really your actual sim pictures, then I see no reason why you are not starting yet on your next project....the DreamLiner since you can never be totally happy with what you got. After all, I don't see any missing gauges anywhere :)

Great photography by the way. Did you hire a pro or what camera do you use?

Fantastic job Nat!

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada

Nat Crea

Thanks Mau...but its just my humble 737 upstairs  :D
I borrowed my neighbours 35mm Nikon actually, for the close ups.
Some were taken with my Samsung GalaxyS2 Phone...I used to love
photography (no not kind Jack!) when I was in high school...stuck with me.

Took a really dodgy video that night also which ill post later...




Nat, your pictures are amazing!  You have the dream sim I am striving to achieve and your photos and forum posts have been inspiration for me many times.  Congrats and thanks.

Dave C.


Hi Nat,
I agree with Dave. Your cockpit is also part of my inspiration.
It seems to me that you have a real RMI. So what kind of monitor do you have for your stand by attitude indicator?
Really nice job

Roberto C

Nat Crea

Thanks Rob and Dave!
Hope you are well in sim world :)

The RMI is real...decoration only at theis stage. The ISIS is a 5" LCD,
not sure if it was on or just poor viewing angle in those shots.

First of a few quick and rough practice approaches in the sim from last week...




Looks awesome Nat!  Don't bother with XP 10 yet....enjoy that setup for a while and fly!

You have something to really be proud of there!


Nat Crea

Thanks Scott.

I am addicited to flying at the moment allright...XP10 is sitting there waiting its turn
in good time...or when I get bored :)



Looks awesome Nat!!

Im sure it is but is that the trim motor running that much in the background on approach and landing?  Is the autopilot on trimming it that much?

Looks great though!

Mike L
The 737 800/900... Fastest airplane with the gear down!

Nat Crea

Thanks Mike!

Yep I had the AP on down to 50ft PLUS head wind gusting to 40 knts
PLUS Im still fine tuning the Trim Wheel sensitiviy :)

Here's another dodgy approach to YMML ILS16...FSX still gives me goose bumps now and then (my FO forgot the landing checkist...ok im the FO and PIC LOL).



Are you listening to Live ATC or is this Radar Contact or some other ATC chatter? Sounds like Australian accent anyway :)

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada

Nat Crea

Hi Mau,

Yep, just LiveATC from Melbourne....


Sam Llorca

Hello Guys!!! Very happy!! My FDS sim and motion platform arrived last thursday!!!, Sorry about the late post but I was busy as you would probably know, I have a ton of setup work to do, yesterday I spend all day sorting things out, unpacking, opening boxes, checking out damaged parts, but so far so good, for the next two to three weeks you know were to find me!! that's until the baby arrives, and yes within three weeks another surprise, wish me luck guys, keep on working hard on those projects, pictures on the sim arrival will come soon, talk to you later!!!!!



Bob Reed

Talk about sim heaven!  8) Congratulations on your first of 2 deliveries Sam!

Sam Llorca

Thank you Jack, thank you Bob, very exited, you guys are great.

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