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FS Expo 2023

Started by Jason L, December 16, 2022, 04:35:29 PM

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Jason L

Registration opens soon for the general public.  I'm planning to go and would like to meet up with fellow cockpitbuilders there.
Anyone here thinking of going?  They haven't announced a ton yet, but more will be forthcoming soon.

If you plan to go or have registered to go comment here...maybe we can get together for a dinner or coffee or something that weekend.

Registration Now Open: https://flightsimexpo.com/


I'm tentative so far. After this coming January I'm going to have a ton of free time so, definitely thinking about it.
Ray Sotkiewicz

Jason L

After 90 some views I was hoping someone would respond!  Well I hope you decide to go.

Jason L

Microsoft + LM will be at FSExpo along with 50 other vendors with the list still growing.  It's looking to be a great expo this year.  I know a few here are planning to go and it would be great if we could meet up sometime during the event.


Hey Jason,

Thanks for the post on FSExpo 2023.   I will try to make it down there this year.

Full-scale 737-800 Sim; P3d v5.3x with Sim-Avionics (two computers), FDS MIP,  FlightIllusion hardware.  3-Optoma ZH406ST Laser HD projectors, with 4K inputs from a single Nvidia RTX-4090 GPU (new), resulting in a 210 deg wrap-around display.  6dof Motion Platform using BFF 6dof motion software, driven by a Thanos Servo Controller to 6.2 KW Servos, Lever type actuators.


I won't be attending, conflicts with a family event this year. My ARTCC (Houston Center) will be doing a "live ATC" event on Friday for the FNO. Should be a good time for all that attend this year! Safe travels!

Jason L

Hope to see some of you down there this weekend.  Flying out early Friday morning from MSP.

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