In flight simulation, an Instructor Operator Station (IOS) is designed to assist the instructor in controlling the simulation training environment and monitoring all aspects of pilot/crew performance in the simulator. The instructor can control, via this software, all functions such as aircraft position and systems, meteorological, environmental, and situational parameters.
The Instructor Station™ is meant to assist Aviation Professionals, Flight Simulation Enthusiasts and Home Cockpit Builders using Microsoft® Flight Simulator (FS) 2004™, FSX™ and ESP™, Lockheed Martin Prepar3D® and X-Plane®.
The Instructor Station™ allows setting the aircraft on an approach to a runway of choice under any weather conditions, start-up and shutdown network computers (fully customizable), program or set aircraft system failures at any moment, calculate the amount of fuel required for a flight and load it to the aircraft, record flight performance (approaches, manoeuvres, landings, take-offs, etc.) and plot it graphically, and many other things!
Compatible with all types of aircraft! It is also a great tool for anybody who wants to control the flight simulator externally.
Many features are also available for Project Magenta users (pmSystems, Glass Cockpit, CDU/MCDU, MCP/FCU), AST & FMGS JeeHell users.
Developed by a pilot, engineer & flight simulation enthusiast.
Started by FrancoCordoba, May 09, 2022, 08:51:14 AM
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