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Dual Yoke force feedback system. DIY

Started by _alioth_, November 03, 2022, 03:16:22 AM

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I open this thread, because I am building a dual yoke force feedback system for my Piper Comanche cockpit.

I have been using a single yoke from an AST300 simulator, which is fine. But Im going to try to update the system, building everthing.

What I will be using:
-I manage to get two real Piper Comanche yokes.
-MY 1026 350W dc motors.
-30Amp motor controllers
-600ppm encoders
-1500W power supply
-A self build forcefeedback box, with a Teensy 4.1, which reads the data from simulators. I will be coding for p3d, msfs, and xplane. It has a display and encoder with a menu system to setup de hardware and diferent parameters.

It will generate diferents forces:
-vibrations for ground, prop, stall..
-aerodynamic forces
-autopilot following
-trim system
Something like FsForce software. You can setup in the display the amount of forces, types etc

The controller box is 80% coded, and I have been testing it using old wheel without original electronics. I have tested with my electronics.

Now I have to rebuild the structure of the cockpit to install the hardware. I am designing and building the hardware.

Real piper Comanche yokes:

The piece in the panel to pass through the yoke shaft.

With oringial comanche bezels:

3d printed pieces to build de transmision system:

Controller box:

A video with some vibrations effects:

A video using the trim system. This old wheel has no electronics. I am using muy controller box with the original dc motor and encoder.

I will keeping the thread update.


This is very interesting. I understand the hardware portion of a project like this, I currently use the BFF control loading system in my 737 sim. I need to figure out a rudder solution however. I don't know how to code.

bernard S

have you considered the aircraft feel.unit ?


I have installed the aileron encoder, and it starts to work.
This is the simulated spring force. It can be setup in %force and exponential, etc.

And this one shows the vibration. They are coded to be synchro with rpm and are stronger on ground. This is all setup in the central box.

Time to start to work on elevator.

Quote from: connerpilotman on November 29, 2022, 10:01:44 AMI need to figure out a rudder solution however. I don't know how to code.
I am building the three axes. I will install force feedback in rudder too. In a real piper rudder pedals unit.



AP following code done.
I am testing with xplane but it will work the same with p3d/msfs



Auto calibration when power on done.



The Force feedback system is finished. Homemade hardware, electronics and software.
Ready to go to his final owner and mounted in his cockpit.

now I'm going to finish mine  :)


Congrats,nicely done.Like how you have incorporated most effects.


I have built the FFair control unit in "commercial quality".
I have several of them.

Xplane communicates with the control unit. And each axis is connected to the control unit:
-motor driver (different types are supported)
-trim (buttons or potentiometer can be used)
-servos for trim indicator
-galvanometer for the trim indicator
-power (only if servos or galvanometers are used)

More than 50 parameters can be changed for each axis, depending on hardware components you use and desired forces setup.



Arturo,well done and very nice to see another professional quality product.Are you going to release any details of a mechanics for a FFB device.Thanks


Yes. I am going to release a manual for hardware building, and another one for system setup.

I have finished the remote display version. So you can mount the gauge in the panel and easily change force feedback parameters on the fly.



now working with MSFS.
The plane in the video is A2A piper comanche.

I have added a pdf file, showing how to setup wiring in the system.


Trevor Hale

This is incredible.  Nicely done!  Would never be able to do that sort of thing 10 Years ago in the hobbyist market.  Looks like you found the unicorn.


Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA


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