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February 09, 2025, 11:58:39 PM

Login with username, password and session length


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Project Magenta Site Not Responding

Started by ScottThePilot, July 17, 2024, 11:10:29 PM

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Haven't been around the forums for a bit...

Was going to do an update on our very old full PM 737 GC but I can no longer get to the login page or any other page for that matter.  Not directly or through a Google link.

Actually, when I very first tried this morning, I was able to go to their HOME page and I was able to click on the login tab.  I then entered credentials and browser just spun in place until error.  After that, I can no longer get to any portion of the site. I have tried both Mac & Win with multiple browsers?

Does anyone know if they are still around or is it something from my end?  Can others login?

Pilot for 40+ years --- Software Coder for 40+ years -- Simmer For A Day!
Hummm.  Which do I love more...


Les replied to my other post by accident and said he could get in from NZ...

So I just checked when I got home a minute ago and yes I could go to the main home page.  Strange (and good) I could get there with any browser.  But then I tried to login and was able to load the login page but as soon as I clicked submit, it just hung.

I then used the other browsers and all are now hung and can't even get to the home page.  I even tried on my iPhone browser.

If someone wouldn't mind trying to get to home page and then try to go to download page and actually download something.  Or even go to info on Boeing cockpit or news blog.  All are hung for me.  If you have an account, see if you can get to login page and if so, do your credentials and see if you actually get logged in.

So strange...
Pilot for 40+ years --- Software Coder for 40+ years -- Simmer For A Day!
Hummm.  Which do I love more...


EDIT:  So I discovered that if I run a VPN I can get to the site just fine.  I use a mobile internet provider which is all we have way out in the sticks.  Must be something in the way it is communicating to the internet.  The VPN seems fine.  Very weird but site is OK...
Pilot for 40+ years --- Software Coder for 40+ years -- Simmer For A Day!
Hummm.  Which do I love more...

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