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World Flight 2022 Map

Started by blueskydriver, August 07, 2022, 12:24:06 PM

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Hey Everyone,

Here is the WF2022 route map....

| FSX | FDS-MIP OVRHD SYS CARDS FC1| PM | PMDG 737-700 | UTX | GEX | UT7 | ASE | REX2 | AES | TSR | IS | TOPCAT | AvilaSoft EFB | OC CARDS & OVRHD GAUGES| SIMKITS | SW 3D Lights | FS2CREW2010 | FSXPassengers | Flight1 AE | MATROX TH2GO-D | NTHUSIM | 3-Mits EW230Ust Proj |


I find it rather interesting that they completely bypassed any US airports.  Is that some sort of political message?


I have it on good authority that this isn't due to any geo-political issues but rather internal policy disagreements.
Ray Sotkiewicz


Think it's also something too do with lack of VATSIM coverage in the US. Read some threads about how this also happened back in 2012....

| FSX | FDS-MIP OVRHD SYS CARDS FC1| PM | PMDG 737-700 | UTX | GEX | UT7 | ASE | REX2 | AES | TSR | IS | TOPCAT | AvilaSoft EFB | OC CARDS & OVRHD GAUGES| SIMKITS | SW 3D Lights | FS2CREW2010 | FSXPassengers | Flight1 AE | MATROX TH2GO-D | NTHUSIM | 3-Mits EW230Ust Proj |


I am not pointing fingers at anyone, but it is highly unfortunate that the "policy disagreements" cannot be resolved. I believe it has compromised the quality of the routing this year. There are many more small airports this year to accommodate the avoidance of the U.S. Those out-of-the-way airports result in discontinuities across sim platforms...missing runways, misaligned or non-existent taxiways, misplaced aircraft, phony-looking scenery, etc. All that only serves to destroy the realism. WF does suggest scenery add-ons to deal with some of that, but the problem is that most of the traffic is unofficial WF aircraft that do not easily have access to it. This is in contrast to last year's routing which had mostly larger airports and was a joy to fly.

Hopefully this can be resolved for the future.

Fred K

Boeing 737NG-800, Prepar3D v5.4, ProSim avionics, Optoma HD Laser projectors (3), Fly Elise warping with curved screen, ActiveSky weather, FDS OH panels, SimParts MIP, FDS SysBoards (OH and MIP), CPFlight MCPPro, CDUs, and pedestal panels, FI Gauges, PFC controls, converted motorized TQ (SIOC), Weber seats with ButtKicker transducers. Official WorldFlight Team (www.worldflightvirginia.net)


It is a disappointment. The cool thing is that most of these legs are reachable in a Beech B1900D.

I wonder if the controllers will have a fit if I file some of the legs as /A, No GPS!  :o  8)
Ray Sotkiewicz

Trevor Hale

Apologies Guys, Its been a rough Summer.  Ray,  Yes the routes are accessible and the controllers won;t mind, but you will have one issue.  I found when I did a few routes in the KingAir that I had to make a choice, Either leave early and plan to arrive with the pack, or leave with the pack and land after the controllers closed.  Very hard keeping up with the 73's and 74's and 76's LOL

Have at em.

Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA


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