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X-Plane 12 Mouse Pointer

Started by N4208T, October 05, 2022, 02:34:28 AM

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Anyone out there using the new early access XP 12?  Being a sucker for any new flight sim I bought it.  Thought I would try to migrate the King Air sim to the platform.

I think it is an improvement over XP11 but i am currently running the sim visuals on 2 55inch 4K TV's (there are actually 3 but I "borrowed" the third for a different project)  XP still seems to eat up graphics capabilities compared to FS2020 and P3D but my main problem is the mouse cursor/pointer is TINY .... a tiny little hand that not only is almost impossible to see on a 7680 x 2160 screen, it also disappears on the screen.  Changing font size or screen resolution makes no difference.  The mouse pointer seems to be the same size regardless, as if it is on a 19 inch monitor.

For me, the sim is unusable.  From what I can find, this is not a new problem for XP.  The mouse size and its tendency to disappear goes back at least to version 10 and maybe before but before I give up I thought I would see if anyone has ever found a solution.

Thanks for any suggestions.


(PS- for those of you using Ruscool hardware, you can use the hardware and their software with MSFS 2020 but you have to have the registered version of FSUIPC7.  Works well)

Joe Lavery

You're right Steve, that was the same in XP11.
I have a 32 inch 4K monitor and it was a nightmare trying to navigate the menus then, I can't imagine what it's like on a 55 inch.  :o

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