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Started by Atreus, March 14, 2020, 02:22:44 PM

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As I see it's been a year since I'd joined here... Through that time I didn't make too much with my "GTE FS", but last couple days changed a lot.
As for now everything's disconnected and slowly's being assembled together with walls and other things. Everything's cutted to size by using hand tools in this small room. I don't have a proper tools or garage/shaft.
I started this as a FS2004 simpit. I don't plan of using FSX but maybe this'll change. There'll be simple buttons/switches from modified keyboard or Leo Bodnar interface. I only need to know if FS2004 can use multiple pointing devices and if I can choose them in menu, like I can with Saitek Setup (different devices chosen from FS2004 menu).
My "GTE FS" doesn't recreate any particular airplane. It's being build for fun for me and kids, so couple of planes in FS and some switches ;)
For now I can share with couple photos which was made during construction.

bernard S

i think its fantastic    up down left right faster slower and stop and look out the window what more does one need ?

Trevor Hale

Agree with Bernard,  Seeing a project such as this, bringing more realism to your experience is a great thing.  Good work and thank you for sharing your accomplishments with us.

Trevor Hale


Director of Operations
Worldflight Team USA



I can share more photos. Everything's still under construction. Slowly, but I'm going forward with this build.


Some time ago I needed to disassemble everything due to "mould attack".
I'd dumped most of builded setup. What's left, I reused in my 2'nd smaller version.l, which is still being build.
What You can see now, took me about 3 weeks of cutting, sanding and assembling. Everything's my own design.


 My small sim was used in this condition for some time. Even my small pilot had fun with it.
 Finally I'd decided to push forward this build. I'm already waiting for small LCD screens to install on desk. Saitek panels are waiting and some additional stuff is slowly showing it's place in my build.
 Everything's done in cheapest way. A lot of woodens parts are from old/destroyed wardrobes, beds, desks etc. It's a nice way to save some money...


Looks like your Sim build strategy is a good one.  It is truly amazing what you can build with wood.  Keep up the good work!

Also...  Looks like you have an upcoming copilot!  "Bring them up in the way they should go..."

Best Wishes on your project.

Full-scale 737-800 Sim; P3d v5.3x with Sim-Avionics (two computers), FDS MIP,  FlightIllusion hardware.  3-Optoma ZH406ST Laser HD projectors, with 4K inputs from a single Nvidia RTX-4090 GPU (new), resulting in a 210 deg wrap-around display.  6dof Motion Platform using BFF 6dof motion software, driven by a Thanos Servo Controller to 6.2 KW Servos, Lever type actuators.


Some steps forward were made. Very slowly I'm closer to final design. Still everything's raw without painting.
Saitek Switch Panel is only clamped to my simpit. Maybe I'll change it to custom made switches...
Between Multi Panel and Switch Panel is empty space for another 10" LCD screen.


May be it is due to the picture but your outside view monitor is too high. You will have to look up instead of straight ahead.
The horizon line on the screen should be level with your eyes.



Thanks for the tip. Main LCD is mounted a little higher than usual as I'm planning to change it for a little bigger (maybe 28", now is 19"), because this one has damaged screen. It was gifted to me from a friend and I used it in my small simpit. To lower LCD I'll need to change frame for it and also cut some part from simpit as it'll be blocking bigger screen from fitting in place.

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