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Fly Elise-ng
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Been a while. Parting out my sim.

Started by Jimmerrelie, February 07, 2023, 04:08:18 AM

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 Hello everyone from Auburn NY. It has been quite a while since I have visited.
 I hope I don't run afoul of the rules but I thought I'd post here instead of classified to see if there is any interest in some hardware, that due to my late stage cancer diagnosis,(Oct 2020) I must sell.
 After emergency surgery for a perforated bowel, I was informed that I had stage 4 medistatic colon cancer that had spread to my liver and some lymph nodes. I had a two year upswing but in December everything fell apart. Cancer came back in the colon and liver. I am now at stage 4a and I want to leave my wife a little MAD money and also to not saddle her with the burden of trying to sell any of this.

 This is a partial list of what I have. Don't worry. I haven't flown in years so I won't miss any of it.
  *First and foremost I have an Ace 737 captains yoke. I added a hat switch that's runs on the original bodner card.
 *thrustmaster TPR rudder pedals. Also an older CH rudder pedal. Still have the box as well.
 *opencockpits forward overhead with OC frame. Overhead is not complete but all components are there to finish the build.
 *Fds radios.
 *OC mcp
 *OC efis captains side.
 *I have enough OC cards to do a complete build.
Thrustmaster airbus yolk and throttles.
 *many more parts
Anyway, if there is interest I will post a detailed list of what I have.
Thanks.    Jim Hillegus 
I7 4770k oc to 4.2
MSI mpowerMax mobo
Gtx  780sc
16g ripsaw ram
Fsx w/ acceleration boxed
Ifly 737ng CBE


I'm really sorry to hear this.

I don't need the stuff you've got, but hopefully others here will.

Proud owner of F-15C 80-0007
http://www.f15sim.com - The only one of its kind.


Steve Wekarchuk

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