Main => General Discussion Board. => Topic started by: Maurice on September 10, 2010, 11:48:06 AM

Title: Did you know that tools are alive?
Post by: Maurice on September 10, 2010, 11:48:06 AM
There is no other logical explanation about why they have that uncanny ability to disappear 3 seconds after I last used them. It does not matter if I wear a tool belt or not, they simply vanish at a moment's notice. I conservatively estimate that 25% of my building time on any project is spent looking for those miserable objects. Because of that, I have multiple copies of the most common tools, but it does not matter anyway, they all disappear when I need them.

If anyone has a better explanation and/or a solution to that problem, please share it with the world. If your idea works, that could be your ticket to a fortune from all the frustrated do-it-yourselfers in this world and likely also the professionals who make a living with tools and who could increase their productivity a great deal if they stopped looking for their tools as well.

Now back to my search for one of  the 4 tape measures that I own.

Title: Re: Did you know that tools are alive?
Post by: jackpilot on September 10, 2010, 12:42:03 PM
100% true.
Confirmed by very serious studies , most tools have chameleon ADN  which allow them to mingle with the background the very moment a human eye scans the area where they were placed.
Title: Re: Did you know that tools are alive?
Post by: bussgarfield on September 10, 2010, 12:57:40 PM

I have the solution.

Just let the Mrs know where you put the tool down every time you use it.  - She remembers everything !!!!

Title: Re: Did you know that tools are alive?
Post by: jskibo on September 10, 2010, 01:06:18 PM
Perhaps in building a cockpit you actually stumbled upon building a Star Trek Enterprise Deck, now the transporter is moving the tools for you
Title: Re: Did you know that tools are alive?
Post by: Maurice on September 10, 2010, 01:09:11 PM
Quote from: jackpilot on September 10, 2010, 12:42:03 PM
100% true.
Confirmed by very serious studies , most tools have chameleon ADN  which allow them to mingle with the background the very moment a human eye scans the area where they were placed.

So I was right, they are alive since only live beings are able to act as chameleons  :)

Title: Re: Did you know that tools are alive?
Post by: Maurice on September 10, 2010, 01:17:17 PM
Quote from: bussgarfield on September 10, 2010, 12:57:40 PM

I have the solution.

Just let the Mrs know where you put the tool down every time you use it.  - She remembers everything !!!!


LOL - Interesting and very astute solution. Wives do indeed remember everything as I found out nine years into my first marriage when during one of the disputes preceding our divorce,  my ex-wife reminded that I had left her alone one afternoon during our honeymoon to go scuba diving. Of course that left me absolutely speechless and she won that argument by a knockout.

Unfortunately, wives seldom like to babysit you when you are playing with appliances that are not 'pleasurable' to her, so getting her to track your tool, I mean tools could be somewhat difficult. So, thanks for the idea but don't leave your day job quite yet  ;D

Title: Re: Did you know that tools are alive?
Post by: bussgarfield on September 10, 2010, 01:42:17 PM

My call button is linked to the kitchen and bless her she remembers that it is time for the sangria. She (Linda) even came in one afternoon wearing the blooming uniform - but we wont go there -  I mean what would you do - It goes without saying doesn't it - I carried on flying!!!! Almost as bad as scuba diving on honeymoon !!! LOL

To be fair, Linda normally does know where I left the tape measure - she finds it in 'her' room by the sewing machine !!!!

Great to have such an in depth debate on subject of tools ???

Nice one Maurice


Title: Re: Did you know that tools are alive?
Post by: jordan_flyer on September 10, 2010, 06:29:06 PM
i know the feeling , my worst tool is screwdrivers, im using it, put it down to move somthing, then its just dissapeard, i move absolutely everything on the workbench, kneel down and look underneath (my workshop floor is just earth so i do get a little muddy!) and then when im nearly having to sit in the angry chair, i see it, sat on the bench, underneath my handsaw, or something simple :/ then i call myself an idiot for not seeing it.

Well, ive thought of a solution, set up a camera recording to a hard drive, looking wherever you are working, and when you loose somthing, just look at the footage :p faily pricey, but i guess at least you wont spend half of your life looking for the tool! I swear i could have built a full motion 747 sim by now, if i didnt waste all that time! :p


Cheers, Jordan
Title: Re: Did you know that tools are alive?
Post by: Bob Reed on September 10, 2010, 06:56:59 PM
The one I hate....You are sitting at your work bench, or better yet, you are sitting or kneeling on the floor.You use the tool (does not matter what it is) you set it down. Now you have not moved no on has entered or left the room.. But the tool YOU JUST USED... Is no where to be found....... So alive.. Oh yes....
Title: Re: Did you know that tools are alive?
Post by: Maurice on September 11, 2010, 03:51:16 AM
Quote from: Bob Reed on September 10, 2010, 06:56:59 PM
The one I hate....You are sitting at your work bench, or better yet, you are sitting or kneeling on the floor.You use the tool (does not matter what it is) you set it down. Now you have not moved no on has entered or left the room.. But the tool YOU JUST USED... Is no where to be found....... So alive.. Oh yes....

This is exactly what I meant Bob. Another explanation might be that there really are Multiverses instead of just a single Universe as some physicists have theorized. At  any one time, your tools might have the abillity to switch Universes temporarily or even permanently some time, which of course implies that they are alive and have amazing advanced intelligence & abilities that allows them to do just that.

And Jordan, your idea has some merit but is not really too practical, so keep your day job as well  :)

Glad to know that I'm not the only one with this predicament. Many times I think I'm just going crazy when this happens.
