Main => General Discussion Board. => Topic started by: Maurice on December 25, 2013, 09:27:26 AM

Title: Some things to think about in the coming year
Post by: Maurice on December 25, 2013, 09:27:26 AM
It has been a great year for flight simulation fans but a genocide going on in Syria, massive earthquakes, massive floods, famine in many countries, civil wars in many countries and all kind of other natural and man made disasters made it all & all a pretty crappy year I think.

At this time of year especially, we should all think about how lucky we are to be able to even have hobbies and we should not forget the misery that others endure daily just by the bad stroke of luck of having being born in the wrong part of the world at the wrong time.

I am not a Catholic, but I truly admire the new Pope Francis whom I think embodies many qualities we should all strive for, especially empathy for the less fortunate and we should all do our small parts to alleviate some of this misery even if we think our contributions are insignificant compared to the massive overall need.

This forum may not be the proper place to express these feelings, and sorry for sounding rather depressing, but the older I get, the more I ache about the inequalities that exist in this world and the more I wish I could be less absorbed in my own trivial and petty 'problems' and concerns.

Title: Re: Some things to think about in the coming year
Post by: goof2092 on December 25, 2013, 10:21:54 AM
Well said Maurice.
Timely reminder indeed. It will help me take a personal audit of what I could be doing more of to help the less fortunate.

Title: Some things to think about in the coming year
Post by: andthiel on December 25, 2013, 12:39:59 PM
You are both perfectly right.

Perhaps a good idea to start something new, e. g. a special Worldflight event or something similar with the motto 'Flight for Freedom' or at least a 'charity call' asking fellow simmers worldwide to donate a sum for e.g. Syria (keeping in mind what he/she has spent in the last year for flight simulation issues).


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