Main => General Discussion Board. => Topic started by: navymustang on April 15, 2019, 12:49:16 PM

Title: FSDream Team Couatl crashes when shutting down computers - any ideas
Post by: navymustang on April 15, 2019, 12:49:16 PM
For those of us that use projection systems with multiple computers, I have tried installing FSDream Team airports and have had a problem recently. My normal shutdown process is simply sending a shutdown request to each computer from the host. This is the same as pressing the shutdown button on the front panel of the PC. When I do that with FSDream Team products installed, Couatl crashes with a memory write error. The only way to avoid it is shutting down P3D on each computer first.

Has anyone else experienced this, and if so what work arounds do you have.

I have since removed any Couatl-based products from the visual computers and they shutdown fine now.
Title: Re: FSDream Team Couatl crashes when shutting down computers - any ideas
Post by: FredK on April 15, 2019, 02:14:03 PM
No problem here with P3D4.4.

Did you try reinstalling?

Fred K
Title: Re: FSDream Team Couatl crashes when shutting down computers - any ideas
Post by: navymustang on April 16, 2019, 04:57:43 AM
So if you power down your computer with everything still running, it does not crash Couatl?

As in - press the power switch for a shutdown.
Title: Re: FSDream Team Couatl crashes when shutting down computers - any ideas
Post by: FredK on April 16, 2019, 05:32:19 AM

With the most recent versions of P3D I find that I cannot power down by simply closing my computer.  If I do that P3D will not shut down properly and will reboot automatically when the computer is restarted no matter what......and I never really trust that kind of startup.

So what I normally do is to first close P3D and then wait about 30 seconds for it and whatever associated programs to completely close out.  Then I shutdown the computer.

Perhaps it is Couatl causing this as you suggest.  For me it is not a big deal to wait the 30 seconds so I have not investigated exactly what is happening.  From what I understand though is that this is typical behavior with P3D now.  It is a bit of an inconvenience since I have 4 WideView computers involved.

Fred K
Title: Re: FSDream Team Couatl crashes when shutting down computers - any ideas
Post by: navymustang on April 16, 2019, 06:46:58 AM
That's the problem, the three client computers have no monitors, keyboard or mice. I would have to remote log into each one, one at a time to shut down like that.

Interesting though - P3D shuts down just fine on my other computers by simply powering off the computers.

There is a fix for the auto-restart of previous programs. I forgot where I found it, but you can look it up.
Title: Re: FSDream Team Couatl crashes when shutting down computers - any ideas
Post by: blueskydriver on April 17, 2019, 12:42:01 PM
This might interest you guys... ( (

Title: Re: FSDream Team Couatl crashes when shutting down computers - any ideas
Post by: navymustang on April 18, 2019, 04:25:11 AM
Yes, both of these links are interesting in that they are time driven, but neither can be event driven for shutdown.
So I took the simple approach and deleted all FS DreamTeam airports and now my computers shutdown just fine.